My stuff isn't rating "E" for everyone.
I try to post new things every weekend or so.
Come to say hi I don't bite ✋😞👌
Banner image made by KairaAnix

Age 31

Canada, Quebec

Joined on 9/19/16

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IC-Night's News

Posted by IC-Night - May 29th, 2023

For the month of June I will not be able to to publish anything because I'm moving, I will keep doing some stuff and trying to stay in touch as much I can. But not until July you will get any new pieces from me as I don't know when I will be cut from the web while I'll moving. But everything will be back to normal right after. The summary of May will by the way being publish at the same times as the June one even If I didn't publish anything at that moment. Anyway it dosen't matter because I never publish most of my stuff the same day than the day I finished them.

I will profit for your attention to thank you anyone who has giving their suggestion to my "MAYbe is Toadette". For me it was like doing a Commission for other.... just I'm not paid for doing it. Maybe after having move, I will reopen my Commission, I have some minor twerks to do in mostly to make a little update to it. I really hope this time some people will be interested to give me a chance to do them a commission. I really need this money for the upcoming month because after July I will try to get has much money as I can for some future thin I wish really doing or made it. So please stay tune and close I will try to announce when my Commission will be ready open anew.

Posted by IC-Night - April 30th, 2023

I barely talk about my irl situation, but I think this time I must talk about it. I still want to do my "MAYbe it's Toadette" thing, but for the next 2 months and maybe a bit in july too, I will reduce the rythme of my works. I mean I will have less time for that periode. Why ? Because me and my family we are in procedure to move. I hope everything will go right for now on, but yeah it's possible you will get less stuff made by me. I love drawing a lot, but it's really important I don't mess up my part. Just wish me good luck for that I'm pretty optimistic about it but it's so stressful I'm not even sure if we will made it. At the same time it's also possible this will delayed my publication of my comic which by now it's been 2 whole month I've worked on it. So for now on may june and maybe a bit in july I will be a bit less active on my works and focusing a bit more on my irl situation and see you in july I will do an update if it goes well or not.

On that see y'all everyone and take care. I'll be back I hope really ^^;

Posted by IC-Night - April 1st, 2023

On this 1st April I will like to say to everyone who's read this, to let you know today and ONLY today. YOU SUCK. You, you, you, and even you far behind. You all suck Particulary YOU. Yes you. Yesterday you were cool. Tomorrow you will be. But Especially today, I want to leave you my most disgusting compliment. You are all idiots. So please leave in the comment how much YOU think I suck today. Do your worst >:3c I double dare you !

Posted by IC-Night - November 13th, 2022

I think it would be okay to announce you all the next few days I wouldn't be able to draw anything. I just broke my stylus pen and can't draw anymore on my tablet. I just command new ones this morning so for the next few days, I wouldn't be able to post anything or progressing on anything. I was actually working on a 8 sequences story I just hope I'll be able to made them before the end of November. At least for the few first one. And I hope you will looking forward for those sequences. To help you out it's something a bit kinky at least lewd but not much. It's a fetish of mine so sorry for those who participate on NNN. Which I'm not. You will suffer and maybe lose because of me. And I'm not sorry for that.

And stay tune because in December some major change will come up. I just hope after this horrible (Materially speaking) week I've got everything will turn back to normal. Oh and Maybe I will close my DA account for good because I don't want to deal with AI art and they steal my hard work for they progression. I mean I was in for the start, for the progress but now people can be even better artiste without being one because they have paid a bot which can potentially do it better than me. I don't naturally compare myself with other artist but for a bot it's an whole other story. And I hate that. And with what I've learn about DA and their recent change I'm thinking to shut down my account. If you want to follow me somewhere else you have Twitter, Newgrounds, Furaffinity, Pillowfort and I will add 2 others new sites where I will put links in my very last arts on DA.

Posted by IC-Night - October 26th, 2022

Only 5 charactes left and I'm excited and proud of myself. I will finally manage to finish at least once in my life this challenge. At the same time, I've decide to do the reveal of every character friday next week. Yep, Friday 4th November every character will be elight and you will finally see who are them.

Posted by IC-Night - October 14th, 2022

Today it's my birthday.


Posted by IC-Night - June 4th, 2022

Ok tonight I just caught dark thought about something. And I need to vent it out before it's become worst. Because for now I just can't draw correctly with this in my mind. The worst would be the out come... because even if yelled it, no one will ear me.

Thanks whatever site to keeping some good artist invisible I'm really appreciate you keep people in the shadow. 😒

So here it comes what I have in mind. It's again this kind though of doubt about myself... If being a freelance artist still be the good choice for me ? I mean I've been said my arts are good. And I will like to believe that... but when no one see them... what can I think ? What can I do ?

Sometimes I just want to give up. I'm counting the years maybe I'm making a mistake to counting them and trying to keep it positive. But 6 years guys and the only progress I'm doing is how better I've become after each interaction for other artist with COMMISSIONS.

I have nothing against commissioners no not the fact of paying them. Just how painful it is to see something someone else do for you and the only thing you get is just a super image of something you ask. But nothing more.

People don't come see what you doing. And artist don't want to "lose them" or don't want to do that because if they do once they should do for everyone. I GET IT ! I KNOW THAT !

I understand this fact. But damn it's frustrating afterwards not getting almost no words because YOU ARE THE ONE WHO COMMANDS IT only the best can get the most. Yeah maybe I should stop it I like doing art, I want to make it my job. as a Freelance. 😔

I'll be honest sometime I doubt those who've decide to watch/follow me. I receive practically no interaction with them after that and all I want is that. And I don't ask to be the next millionaire artist. I see them being part of my "community".

But after that I don't see any of them again for days, weeks and months. How frustrating and painful it is for me when all I got is "Hey I like your stuff so I watch you" And after that no souls come.

I don't hate them. It's just it's sad and frustrating to having almost no interaction with them when you see them coming to see your doing they click on that button. But what should I do ? All I wish is just having fun with other artist doing collabs, being part of something from another artist.

I'm sick doing stuff alone. I'm annoyed to be alone enjoying what I'm doing. I'm sad to always feeling so lonely for so long and keep struggling for being a good artist. And most of all I'm tired to try, I'm maybe impatient, but I don't know if 6 years is really being impatient.

Anyway if anyone in this site read it and come to give some cheering words this is all I need. Thanks and I mean it. Because this very guy is really tired to try again. I will keep going. But I just don't know how Long I will still doing it.

Posted by IC-Night - May 21st, 2022

*Please if you don't have intention to participate, at least share it once you've read all it will be a lot appreciated and I really want to get 8 people for this event*

It's finally here, it's finally back, my most waiting event I like to do the most. The Really Hot, Hot July. So what is this event you ask ?

Well it's about drawing unpoplar pokémon into female anthropomorphe of them but their is a catch in it. When drawing them in their anthro forme, they must stay as much as possible close to their corpulences. That's means if a pokemon like Dewgong is supposed to be a fat pokemon in their anthro version their are a bit chubby. Of course to help you you musty see the pokemon. It goes as well for the size of their breast and ass. You can't give them big one if it's a slimy pokemon like a rimbombee, and you can't give small one if is like my previous exemple the Dewgong. You can help you out with anything the pokemon in question has about them. Descrpition, weight, height, their abilities, their type. Everything can help you out to interpreting it. You get it ?

Now my goal here is to make some collabs with other people. Doing 16 characters(2 of each generation) in 1 month + Background all by myself it's fun, but it's also really tight to finished them in time. Because as you can guess it, it's an even that goes for the whole month of July. But we are in may what's the deal ? Well I'll give 2 weeks to anyone who wants to participate to sign up and in June I'll give everyone a month to make their interpetation of their monster and give them to me for thhe next month I'll doing my part. Promess I will try to finish them all before the end of July I know I can do that. It's just hard enough with my current schedule.

Ok here some rules you must follow if you sign up for this event, but first of all THANK A LOT IF YOU SIGN IN, Truly: (To apply simply comment in below by following the rules, I will afterward send you a PM.)

° The subscription start now and be open for 5 weeks.

° After this period it's the submissions time, you have until the 16th July To give me your version. The sooner the better tho.

° I can take only 8 people maximum to do this collab. But if someone drop out stay in touch if you to at least participate.

° The Pokemon must be an unpopular. The more unpopulare they are the better.(See below which are considerate popular)

° The Pokemon must be able to have a female gender (Some pokémon are exclusively male or are asexual)

° When you sign in you must choose ONE SINGLE a Pokemon between G1 and G8

° You are free to use the normal or the shiny colors of that pokemon but you must mention it, mostly because I will do the second one with the other choice (i.e. You choose Shiny I must do the normal one and vice versa.)

° You can't pick a pokémon I've already made in a previous RHHJ. Either a Pokémon from the same generation if it's already taken. I'll make you a note if it's the case to help you choose.

° You must follow the corpulence of the pokemon you want to draw as much as you can. You don't decide the size of their measurment they decide and you must deal with it.

° Your image must stay Safe For Watch, but can be for "M"ature or for "T"een

° Your pokemon aren't allowed to wear anything. We just draw them as they are naked. Because they are always naked normally. We just add cloth because of those features we add on them ¬u¬

° Optional but is a bonus I will like to see. If you know any other language than english and want to put an interaction with the other character go for it but just don't forgot to do for me the traduction. Except french I don't speak anything else XD

° Another optional one if you want to help me out with this collab and want to do the background instead I do I will allow it and I will be greatful really ;u; But if not, your image must be made in a .PNG file and you draw your pokégirl in a void. In either way the resolution of your pokémon or image must fit in those resolution 2805X2805 pixels

*IMPORTANT*: I'm not looking for qualities, this collabs is for fun and giving some interaction with each others. Everyone is welcome as long you think you can make it in time. Oh and of course you're not afraid of giving some boobs & ass at your monster.

The next 3 list are in order, the pokemon popular which aren't allowed, those who's aren't allowed because I've already made them and the current one in Generation order, make sure to keep an eye of this one if you don't want to pick the same as someone else.

Pokemon Popular and not allowed to be put in.

1. Any Starter Pokemon

2. Any Legendaries

3. Any pokémon Asexual or male only

4. Dyna & Gigantamaxed Pokemon (Mostly for a size issue those one ^^;)

5. Pikachu Family*

6. Eevee Family

7. Jigglypuff

8. Vulpix Family*

9. Meowth*

10. Growlithe Family

11. Gastly Family

12. Scyther

13. Magikarp Family

14. Dratini Family

15. Ampharos

16. Houndoom

17. Ralts Family

18. Skitty

19. Flygon

20. Shinx & Luxray (Not Luxio poor guy)

21. Lopunny

22. Riolu Family

23. Zorua Family

24. Goodra

25. Lycanroc

26. Mimikyu

27. Salazzle

28. Corviknight

29. Wooloo

30. Yamper

31. Hatterene

32. Alcremie

Pokemon already made and in which version (V) they are made.

1. Vileplume (V1)

2. Slowpoke (V3)

3. Dewgong (V1)

4. Lickitung (V2)

5. Rhydon (V2)

6. Seadra (V3)

7. Furret (V1)

8. Lanturn (V3)

9. Bellossom (V3)

10. Marill (V2)

11. Azumarill (V2)

12. Girafarig (V1)

13. Breloom (V2)

14. Lairon (V2)

15. Sharpedo (V1)

16. Spinda (V1)

17. Tropius (V3)

18. Wynaut (V3)

19. Staraptor (V2)

20. Kricketune (V2)

21. Pachirisu (V1)

22. Hippowdon (V3)

23. Magmortart (V1)

24. Togekiss (V3)

25. Gigalithe (V1)

26. Maractus (V3)

27. Cinccino (V2)

28. Deerling (V2)

29. Emolga (V3)

30. Galvantula (V1)

31. Floette (V3)

32. Gogoat (V3)

33. Aromatisse (V1)

34. Slurpuff (V1)

35. Aurorus (V2)

36. Dedenne (V2)

37. Raticate (Alola) (V3)

38. Oricoro Baile Style (V3)

39. Rimbombee (V1)

40. Palossand (V2)

41. Pyukumuku (V1)

42. Bruxish (V2)

43. Alcremie (V3)

44. Frosmoth (V3)

Current pokémon picked:

G1: Rattata - Wigglytuff

G2: Murkrow - Magcargo



G5: Gothitelle - Liepard




*: Some regional form are allowed as they are way less popular than their "original" one. (Growlithe case is because the game way too recent for actually I allowing it, maybe next year.)

Posted by IC-Night - January 1st, 2022

Here is my thoughts about 2021 and what will happen in 2022

So if you don't want to read what is follow up, it's okay I wouldn't blame you. But this must comes out. You must know this piece was the hardest one I ever made. Not physically, in fact it's give me some tips to do better shading and lightning. No that's not the case.

It was the hardest mentally, I don't know what has happen all of a sudden I was sad. But also highly annoyed. I don't think I'm in a burn out stade or depression. That's for sure. But beforehand of all, let's see what has happening in 2021, well I've got a really rough start in irl, I wanted to give me the challenge to try to do an animation (A sprite Animation) with a completly hand made characters, a fan one, Mango I will show you a little sample of what is look like. Here:



But doing this without a job and well noway to pay my bills, hoping at the end of 2021 I skyrocket because of this animation. Crazy plan which I think it wouldn't work because of how lucky I am for that. So in march I've got one new job. and. I. Hated. This. Job. You don't know how much I wasn't happy at this moment. But I hated it for the bottom of my soul. It wasn't a job for me. Fortunately the following month I've been able to quit for a new one which I was happy, it's this one I have actually.

It's allow me to go even further in my steps and well getting new materials, like a screen graphic table, an all new PC. My arts get better because I didn't have that strange feeling on my hand wich blocked and I wasn't able to do some angles in my draws. No really, I wasn't able because my brain wasn't able to see where my hand really wanted to go. So I'm glad now Ive got all those new material. Now I give better qualities stuff. And I'm happy with that ^^ So afterward and in the meantime, I've started to ask for commission to give some teasing about that animation, and fleshing out a bit more Mango with her partner Toadette and Starlow. But well I didn't get as much attention, but they flesh out well Thanks imagination.

Which it's end up with this, my last piece of 2021 and at the same time the 1st one of 2022. As I said sooner I've got weird mental feelings when I was working it. I've become suddenly completely impatient. If it's been 5 years or a bit more, you work so hard to get a result like that, but never met more than something like 30 people following you ? Does something wrong with me ?

I'm starting to doubt myself if it's really worth it to keep trying in this road while my dream being crush again by the reality. I don't want to keep working on a job where I'm fine, but not what I want. Why I keep trying but never met a success ?

I want to be free of this and doing what I love most, drawing, working on big projects and doing something like the Blue Secret Santa or my own one like the Really Hot, Hot July. I want to make alive my characters giving them my reason to live. My reason to be motivate. But the more I try the less I want to keep going. Why it's still so hard to reach it where other have succeed ?

It's really hard to me to keep on track and telling to myself "it will take the time it should" or "It's impossible no one love what I'm doing, not with this quality". What I'm doing so wrong other don't ? Which step I should do next ?

Those are the question I have actually in my mind. Wondering when my turn will come. Somehow this is on what I actually motivate myself to keep going and wishing one day all that really hard works which I put so much hours on it. All this Secret Blue Santa was my pushover to show the world how good I am now. How far I progress and asking then why I keep be ignored. Do I need to do more arts ? Or publishing more often ? Because you only become notice if you do a thousand and they must be good otherwise you just annoyed people because your not that good.

I hope I'm wrong here. But I don't feel helped by those site where I publish all those good piece. All I want is shining like any other artist. So is it okay to ask with a "please" at the end ? Please you who read this would you follow one more artist who is dreaming like any other artist and be an independent one because you believe in me. Because that's my issue, I don't have a lot of trust in myself. But I worked on me so hard to not let me down.

And so, this brings me to what I've plan for 2022: In short terms, this month, February and March I've plan to open my Patreon page and a Commission page. Yep I will finally does this for other but I will be paid for that. For now my price will be cheap. Here to the end of march I hope getting a bit of people supporting me and well having more time for myself and my arts and leaving bits by bits my actual job. My best goal is reaching 1200$CDN per month.

With that I will be able to keep the actual pace I ask to my boss. This means working 2 days per week there and all the other days are mostly for my art stuff. With a 1 or 2 days of free time for myself.

This is my plan for the next three month. In that it's include the continuation of my sprite animation (1 day per week), an all new series with a book I want to read and make an adventure with Licx (My Squirrel gal) (This one will goes 2 days per weeks). 1 art stream per weeks. And of course one day for commissions. After March tho I don't know what will happening, all will depends how much this plan has succeed. At best I keep my actual schedule at worst I go back to my old one. 1 season at time.

I just hope this try will work this time. I've worked so hard I don't want to give up. So this is pretty much what I've got to say. I really hope for the greatest in 2022 I really hope this time I can shine like others and my hard work will finally pay off. So here it is my plans and my thinking for 2021 & 2022.

So one more and last time. Have an outstanding 2022 everyone take care of yourself and wish me for the best. As I will say for each of you ^^

Posted by IC-Night - December 8th, 2021

Mini status update to bring out something in my mind. Just a little realisation I've just got and I want to share to whoever want to read it.

It's just I realise the more I talk to what I'm doing and the less I feel shamed event shy to show what I'm doing. I'm actually realising I shouldn't hold myself for what I like to do even if some of my freinds their not their things. I will keep doing it. Simply because I like doing that. If you want to follow/watch me and like seeing some characters with big boobs and maybe some nudity stuff, well welcome to you I will be happy to show you what I can do. And for anyone is not their thing well sorry I can't please you. I'm like that and it's what I like to do so. I absolutly don't mind you leave if it's not yours. Oh and btw we've passed the 210 Watchers on DA Yes and thanks to each of you. Sadly I wanted to draw something for the milestone, but I'm in the middll of another big project and as I don't have much time to work on it, it will wait until at least after the holidays not before. Maybe in between if everything goes right. In any case I wish each and everyone a good time and take care of yourself ^^/