My stuff isn't rating "E" for everyone.
I try to post new things every weekend or so.
Come to say hi I don't bite ✋😞👌
Banner image made by KairaAnix

Age 31

Canada, Quebec

Joined on 9/19/16

Exp Points:
5,859 / 5,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.52 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
4y 10m 14d

IC-Night's News

Posted by IC-Night - November 24th, 2023

I finally know when I will get my new tablet. From the tracker it's seem I will get it the 1st december late in the day. Eeeh I will prefer to get it sooner :/ I have stuff to do despite The Eevee one. Oh well I just hope it will be home sonner than expected ^^; I think December will end up like in October a really compact and harsh month ^^;

Posted by IC-Night - November 21st, 2023

I've tried so hard to make it repair, but it seems it's more complicated than expected. So I've done everything in my power to not going to paid a new one but it seems I have to do that. It's pain me I didn't manage to found anyone able to repair it. I did what I can and was hoping really hard I don't have to make that step, but if I need to move forwards then today was my best shot to buy a new tablet. It's seems the black Friday was still going on and so it's avoid me to pay full price of a new one + fast shipping fee. 300$ Discount for something at 860$ means a lot for me.

Can 2023 ends now I get it you were an horrible year, can you just end it now ? Can I go back to my usual ?

Posted by IC-Night - November 20th, 2023

Round 2

I keep need your help with this Hyper thing ! Can I still count on you for sharing the word ? Same 2 polls as previously minus the most voted of each polls. Despite the misfortune hitting me like a rock I hope, like me you want to see them anyway. I try as soon as possible get back drawing them out of my system. I want to do this expriment It just unfortunate me tablet don't properly for I don't know what reason. This week I will try to make the problem solved at best. It's not guaranteed but I try to stay positif as much as I can. And, it gives me something to move forward and not giving up so more than ever sharing those polls will just give some extra motivation to keep going ! So please be patient, If everything goes fine I'll be able to go back on this project in no time. So thanks in advance whoever you are and share this upcoming project until then end of the year :)

The result of who has been the most voted to each poll are written at the end of this journal. If the result is tie, the pick is done randomly.

LittIe reminder of the rules:I want to try a little experiment which is: drawing hyper feral Eevees. And you are the one in power ! Here you have 2 polls and put your voice in each of them to see the out come of them. They are ready and the formula are them same as the previous one. The first poll is about which Eeveelution you want the most having an hyper size. In the 2nd one, it's about which part will get the excessive size. Only 1 Eevee will get 1 part with the excessive size. On a tie, it will be picked randomly ! So if you don't want your pick choose by random I suggest to call some friends in the fun. At the end, None of them will be unloved, they will all get something BIG to love ;). Some of them are kinky and other less, but due to the nature of it I will target them all as Mature/Adulte as I want to be respectful for some TOS sites.

  ° Each weeks, a new polls will be published for the next Eeveelution and hyper traits you want together. So pick carefully because, once your Eevee and the hyper are mixed together, those two are gone for thier respective poll and you have to pick from what it's left for the following week. The Eevee and hyper with the most vote will give the result of that Eevee with that Hyper trait.

  ° In this new poll your choice is between those evolution of Eevee left you will like the most get the hyper: That's mean which between Flareon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Jolteon

  ° As for the Hyper traits you choose between those ones: fur, tail, hips/booty, lactation (Which mean this eevee will excessively lactate 
for their size), pussy (Vag & clit), udder (this eevee will end with a huge udder instead of boobs) or double (It's mean this eevee will get 2 
pairs of boobs instead of one so a more "natural & real kind" of boobs an Eevee should get if they were ferals (even if in the cannon they 
all cames from eggs)).

  ° You have 3 days to put your vote on both polls, you don't need to be a watcher/follower to do the vote, but it's highly recommended and 
appreciated if you do. Mostly if you don't want to miss the other ones.

  ° And if you saw this journal please share it with your friends for gathering more votes and see which eevee have the biggest boo- Oh 
wait it's already gone. Well then let's see who has the most instead >:3c

"But what about Eevee ? If I count correctly from here the end of the year there like 9 weeks left isn't it ?" That's right ! Eevee will get 
ALL THE HYPERS at once. Except the double one, as I have the boobs and the udder, adding with 2 more paires well we wouldn't be able 
to see the other kind of hypers because too much boobs (The Eevee will end with 6 pairs of boobs and a udders even for me this is too 
much). It's not I won't do it tho, it's more it will overshadow the other kind of hyper so I think it will be faire this one don't come along.

Winners of the Previouses polls:
Umbreon (2 votes) - Bust (Picked randomly)

So here the links for those 2 Polls it's 1 vote per persone per poll:
[Eevee Poll] [Hyper Poll]

Posted by IC-Night - November 15th, 2023

This wasn't plan, but all of sudden, my tablet stopped working properly. I can't use anymore my pen... Sooo what I've plan from here the end of the year would be put on hiatus against my will. So the Eevolution thing the vote part will keep going but you might need to wait for the result. I will try to repair it as soon as I can, but I don't know when I will be back with new pieces. I'll keep update that's for sure. I just hope I don't have to pay for another tablet just because it didn't work properly U.U; Wish me luck guys I see you all soon.

Posted by IC-Night - November 12th, 2023

Told you it wasn't a long break before I came back with a good amount of inspiration and motivation. As I've already mention in a few days earlier I just needed to refuel myself to be sure I can came back stronger without burning out myself and here we are, I have something to ask you guys :)

If you want to help me with that, it will makes me happy. I may add, if you like "Ms.Mowz Biggest loot" you might like this one too. But if, I count only on you alone for doing that it might be a little boring. Not you are boring, but the morer the merier. Here, I want to do a little experiment for myself, I want to try something from now to the end of the year. Which is: drawing hyper feral characters. But I don't want to choose the order. I want you to decide the result of those hyper in question. I've already decided with what in general I will do that, but I will like you are the one to pick who specifically I will do the mix up. By now you reading those lines I have 2 polls ready to receive your voice. The first poll is about which Eeveelution you want the most having the first hyper, don't worry EVERY EEVEELUTION will be made at the end. In the 2nd one, it's about which part will get the excessive size. Like the first poll this one every kind of hyper will get their turn. Some are kinky and other less, but due to the nature of it I will target them all as Mature / Adult mostly because some rules for some sites.

  • Each weeks, a new polls will be published for the next Eeveelution and hyper traits you want together. So pick carefully because, once your Eevee and the hyper are mixed together, those two are gone for there respective poll and you have to pick with what left the following week. The Eevee and hyper with the most vote will give the result of that Eevee with that Hyper trait.
  • In the Eeveelution poll your choice is between each evolution of Eevee you will like the most get the hyper: That's mean which between Flareon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Jolteon
  • As for the Hyper traits you choose between those ones: Fur, Tail, hips/booty, bust/boobs, Lactation (Which mean this eevee will excessively lactate for their size), pussy (Vag & clit), udder (this eevee will end with a huge udder instead of boobs) or double (It's mean This eevee will get 2 pairs of boobs instead of one so a more "natural & real kind" of boobs an Eevee should get if they were ferals (even if in the cannon they all cames from eggs)).
  • You have 3 days to put your vote on both polls, you don't need to be a watcher to do the vote, but it's highly recommended and appreciated if you do.
  • And if you saw this journal please share it with you friends for gathering more votes and see which eevee have the biggest boobs :3c

"But what about Eevee ? If I count correctly from here the end of the year there like 9 weeks left isn't it ?" That's right ! Eevee will get ALL THE HYPERS at once. Except the double one, as I have the boobs and the udder, adding with 2 more paires well we wouldn't be able to see the other kind of hypers because too much boobs (The Eevee will end with 6 pairs of boobs and a udders even for me this is too much). It's not I won't do it tho, it's more it will overshadow the other kind of hyper so I think it will be faire this one don't come along.

So here the links for those 2 Polls it's 1 vote per persone per poll:
[Eevee Poll] [Hyper Poll]

Posted by IC-Night - November 10th, 2023

I will take a little break for drawings, It shouldn't be a long one. I will take the time I need just to resourcing myself a bit. As I've struggled a bit for those curse drawings, mostly for inspiration and motivation so I will just stop a bit for my activities. And I'll be back as soon as I found something new to do and I got an all new source of motivation. So see y'all soon.

Posted by IC-Night - September 29th, 2023

Hey guys a short journal just saying I'm leaving Twitter/X if you want to know why just go there but I'm not sticking any longer there. If you follow me there I highly suggest to follow me every other site on my Linktree I normally post it in every description since few months ago.

Posted by IC-Night - August 17th, 2023

It's done it's finally done, my biggest project at the day "Ms. Mowz biggest Loot" it's finally completed. So what's up ?

First thing first I will to talk about that project on itself. This project supposed to be done in 1 month, at the beginning of March and being done the next month. But at the end it takes me... Since the very beginning almost 5 month to make every thing in place and complete. Like Wow the project takes me more times than I expected. When I've started it the original idea was to make a 16 pages comics. but as the idea keeps coming I say to myself "just go wild and enjoy yourself" and that's what I've done. I've gone wild and here we 5 months later. I didn't expect it takes so much time. So what it gives to me ?

Well there good things and bad ones. Kink comics and hypers stuff aren't my things. In the sens I'm the guy who wouldn't like to do this in commission as a everyday main subject for exemple. I will do that only for friends or making jokes but not as my usual signature stuff, so I will like to keep it rare from me just for not being annoyed by that. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love seeing hyper size characters. Just go see my fav and comes back to say to me I'm lying XD No I really love that stuff. But has my main art theme... not really. It's way too hard to me to stay focus on the project in the long term. And I don't want to fall uninterested after a few commission, so yeah doing project with inflation/growth/expansion themes in it don't expect me to do it that much. Anyway just see in my Commission pages they are in my don't do list. But you can commish me with a girl planet size boobs I will do it anyway XD So yeah that's the part I will not do often. It will still there, but keep it as if a rare occasion and for friends pupose not more.

In the other hand doing the comic on its own was fun, it give me more accuracy to my line arts and use it for my future project. It gives me just the necessary push I needed to do the next step of my life. I think I will finally launch myself doing more often comics project not at the same as this one, but I will like to do more comics. It gives me ideas and motivation to keep going. And it's gives me the patience I need to finally said to myself I should start my other projects just for the fun of it. If I want to do a singning comic go ahead just do it. If no one reads it well screw them because I'm doing that for me first and the other second.

So, what will be next ? For now I will slow myself down for the next week, no big project in during that time periode just little drawings and more centred short project for keep on track my drawn skills. So from today August 17 to 26 You will see only smaller project being done in the month. Mostly half work I need to finished and maybe more new pieces. But nothing that will keep me for weeks, more something I can do in 2 or 3 days. After this grace periode, I go back to an all new big project comic. I will do the first pages of Super Mango World. I wouldn't talk much about it for now, just I do some first steps about it. I would not give myself a date to when all the pages will be done, but just giving a first milestone will be in Decemeber. Why there ? Because the last pages of the actual comic will end around there so the next update comic wise will be somewhere there. I will work on it for now at 2 days per week about that project so I'm just not sure if from here to december I will finished it. But it seems pretty fair to do an update about that from once we will be there. If you want a really good hint where I'm going with it, I highly suggest listening Two Worlds from the movie Tarzan on youtube. As it's my main inspiration for those pages.

Anything else ? Yes ! In fact I will like to say in October I have intention do to again the Inktober Challenge this year so that's might slow down a bit the next project. But I just love doing this, mostly because I push myself drawing characters from other artist and with the idea I wanted to do a more dynamic one than last year which every character interact with each other it's what I aiming for this year. I've prepared a bit in advance the terrain and I can tell some character will come back some has been change and other I'll kept the same artist, but not the same character to fit in the theme I intend to do with them. So I look forward to do them in next October. What did you expect to see in that October challenge ? The answer: Pokemon, Kobolds, Animals and outsiders.

So that's all for my folks, I hope you enjoy the comic and will enjoy the next pages. As for me I will keep going and pursuit to become a freelance artist.

Posted by IC-Night - August 2nd, 2023

Just a little heads up that I made a little adjustment in my commission page you can now contact me on Itaku if you prefer and add my alternate nametag on Discord to make it easier, both are the good one. Thanks again if you passing by and read it make sure to share the commission page if you can it will help me a lot ! ^^


Posted by IC-Night - July 23rd, 2023

I open my commission page in hope people will give me a hand to my current financial situation, so my price are a bit higher than usual, just to get back on my feet. But you can get a discount if you choose to ask for the thematic of the month. So for August if you ask something related to a "Beach Episode", every pieces in this thematic on a "Lineart" or a "Full Work" will get a 10$ deduction on the final price. I'm open for 5 slots and first come first serve.

My commission price page